The Harvest Journal

HARVEST is the journal of the C. G. Jung Club of London. It was first published in 1954 and is the oldest Jungian journal in the UK.

HARVEST aims to be an annual forum for creative and imaginative writing, where all things human may be explored through the prism of Jungian thought, imagery and ideas, with a particular emphasis on the symbolic, archetypal, and mythic aspects of the psyche. Our diverse team is committed to publishing innovative articles.

Proposals for articles and reviews of books, films, exhibitions, or events are most welcome and can be sent to the editorial board.

All Club members and subscribers receive a print copy. Non-members can purchase a print copy while supplies last. HARVEST can also be ordered as a print-on-demand copy under the following here

And if you're happy reading online Harvest is available for download as an open-access PDF journal.

Editorial Team

Orders and Purchase

Due to the increasing cost of printing, the price for the 2025 journal will be £25 plus postage and packaging. We hope to maintain this price for future journals into the next decade.

To guarantee a print copy, all orders and payments must be made by July 31st online

Use the link below to make an advanced purchase of the latest edition of Harvest. The journal will be sent to you as soon as it is published. The prices below include postage.

Harvest Journal and Article Archive

The Club Library has an archive that includes back issues of the Harvest Journal.

Various Harvest issues from 1955 - 1984 have been listed in a downloadable PDF document that can be found here.

Subject to availability, copies of Harvest before 2024 can be ordered by contacting the administrator. Prices are less the older the journal.

Specific articles can be ordered by contacting the library. In your message, please include the Harvest volume number, year, title, and author details that you are interested in.