C.G. Jung Club London Reading Groups

Saturday Reading Groups

It's not necessary to have attended previous Saturday Reading Groups.   Priority will be given to Club Members.

Saturday Reading Groups are held at the Club Library, 1 More's Garden, 90 Cheyne Walk, London SW3 5BB Time: 11 – 1 Cost: £5 per session. 

All applications and enquiries to:

Fairy Tales Reading Group

Fairy Tales Reading Group: A Jungian way of listening to Fairy Tales.

Individuation in Fairy Tales

Fairy tales are windows into the collective unconscious. Their timeless, archetypal nature makes them inexhaustible sources of symbolic material. Guided by the reading of Marie-Louise von Franz's texts, the Fairy Tales Reading Group offers a space to explore the contemporary relevance of fairy tales as well as the insights into our past and present that they can provide. 

Francesca Ahmed will continue with the Fairy Tales Reading Group reading Von Franz's Individuation in Fairy Tales

Francesca Tevarotto Ahmed is an Analytical Psychologist who trained with IGAP. Originally from Italy where she studied psychology she has been particularly interested in the relationship between psychology and religion as well as myths and fairy tales from a Jungian perspective. She has a private practice in London. 

Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life

Jung on Mythology

Geraldine Healy will continue with the Reading Jung Group - C.G. Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life ed. Meredith Sabini

Applications and enquiries to Geraldine Healy.

Note: dates may change - check website for updates or email above.

Geraldine Healy was born in Ireland and has lived in three other countries. She trained as a Jungian analyst with the Guild of Analytical Psychologists in London. Her degree is in Social Anthropology and Childhood and Society. She has a lived experience of solitary monasticism in Europe and has a special interest in the interface between spirituality and depth psychology.